Whether it's for a short or long term mandate, the mission of FLaberge Communication is to act in complementarity and above all, in coherence with the actions you already take in communications & public relations. Regardless of the step at which you involve me in, all the necessary knowledge and resources to achieve your objectives will be at reach!
The foundation of your project, created in such a way as to respond coherently to the often distinct objectives and challenges of the various departments.
Reach the target audience effectively
Ensuring an inclusive communication
Manage a media crisis situation
Build an adequate and effective image
The essential stage of the project, although often ignored. A rigorous but flexible planning allows to avoid falling into a "reaction" mode and to keep acting according to the objectives.
Communication Plan (annual or by project)
Strategic Management Plan for Social Media
Crisis Management Action Plan
Writing & Production
The production of different tools, suited to the context, the audience and the media, which will allow for a powerful and effective communication. The choice of words, tone and argumentation behind each message is my specialty!
Press Releases
Interviews and Speeches
Inclusive Writing
Advertisements, Copy & Social Media
Achieving meaningful results that meet your project objectives. Reaching out where it matters, so that the expected reactions are elicited.
Media Relations
Mass Distribution & Social Media
Press Conferences
Consolidated Positive Brand Image